Say Goodbye to Back Pain Neck Pain Leg Pain Headaches

United Health Group and Associates is a multidisciplinary chiropractor, pain management, and wellness.

Back Pain

Lower Back

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Have You Been Injured?

Your neck and back hurt, you can’t work, your life is in chaos, and there’s an insurance adjuster on the phone badgering you! If you’ve been involved in an auto accident, it is important to seek care from a qualified doctor as soon as possible following the incident. The most common injuries associated with auto accidents are sprains and strains of spinal muscles and ligaments, but pain is often delayed.

Our Vision

We continue to offer the most up-to-date, evidence based treatments.

Our Mission

We can help reduce optic nerve pressure by regulating blood flow in the area.

What We Offer

Our Best Services

Back Pain

Chiropractic is a non-invasive approach to treating back pain, which aims at aligning the spine to promote the body’s natural healing process. Through manipulation and adjustments, chiropractors can improve the mobility and function of the spine, allowing for better communication between the nervous system and other parts of the body. Numerous studies have shown that chiropractic care is an effective treatment for back pain and can provide significant pain relief for patients.


Chiropractic care has been shown to have several benefits for those who suffer from headaches. Chiropractic adjustments can help realign the spine and reduce tension in the neck and upper back, which are common contributors to headache pain. Chiropractors may also use massage therapy and other techniques to alleviate muscle tension and promote relaxation, which can help reduce the frequency and severity of headaches.

Neck Pain

Chiropractic care can provide neck pain relief by addressing the underlying cause of the pain rather than just masking the symptoms with pain medication. Chiropractors use a variety of techniques, including spinal adjustments, to realign the spine and improve joint function. By improving joint mobility and reducing muscle tension, chiropractic care can help reduce inflammation and alleviate neck pain. Additionally, chiropractors can provide advice on exercises and stretches that can help improve posture and overall neck health. Many patients with neck pain report significant improvement after just a few sessions with a chiropractor. 

Arm Pain with Numbness

Arm pain with numbness can be caused by a variety of factors, including nerve impingement, joint dysfunction, and muscle tension. Chiropractic care can help relieve arm pain with numbness by identifying and addressing the underlying cause of the symptoms.

Chiropractic adjustments can help realign joints and alleviate pressure on nerves, reducing pain and restoring normal nerve function. Soft tissue therapy, such as massage or trigger point therapy, can help address muscle tension and improve range of motion.

Leg Pain with Numbness

Leg pain with numbness can be a debilitating condition that affects the quality of life of many people. Chiropractic care can offer relief from these symptoms without the use of drugs or surgery. Chiropractors use various techniques to correct misalignments in the spine, which can help to restore proper nerve function. This can reduce the inflammation and pressure on the nerves, which is often the cause of leg pain and numbness. Chiropractic adjustments can also increase the circulation to the affected area, providing vital nutrients to promote healing. Studies have shown that chiropractic care can lead to a significant reduction in leg pain and numbness while improving the patient’s mobility and quality of life. 

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